Hardware and Accessory Requirements
To utilize the technology systems necessary for studying at Gordon-Conwell, ensure that you have easy access to specific tools. Click each bullet to read about requirements. If you have questions regarding these tools, please email tech@gordonconwell.edu.
Computers, Tablets, and Mobile Devices
Computer: Despite the proliferation of mobile devices, we strongly recommend that each student have easy access to a laptop or desktop computer. Gordon-Conwell's systems were primarily designed for computer users. Some, such as Canvas, are optimized for mobile devices, but others are not. Also, computers are best for the substantial research and writing required in seminary.
- Students may use Windows or Mac personal computers. Laptops can be used to take notes in class (unless otherwise specified by the professor).
Tablets and Mobile Devices: Gordon-Conwell welcomes the use of tablets and mobile devices inside the classroom and out. However, please be aware that not all our systems or resources are optimized for such hardware.
Printer: Although most assignments will be uploaded to Canvas, certain assignments or resources require printing. Students may print at Gordon-Conwell's libraries for a small per-page fee.
Scanner: Occasional assignments require access to a scanner. Personal printers and smartphone apps often incorporate scanner functions. Also, Gordon-Conwell's library copiers will scan pages to a pdf, which can be emailed or saved on a USB flash drive.
Camera and Microphone (online only): You will need access to a camera and microphone for most online courses. These come standard with most laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.
High-Speed Internet: Access to reliable high-speed internet is essential for online courses.
Wi-Fi (online only): Students who are participating in online courses and web meetings should connect via a strong Wi-Fi or wired connection. Students should avoid using cellular data for web meetings.