CLT Room 104 Layout, Equipment, and Startup Procedures
Room 104 Layout
Room 104 Equipment
Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the room equipment and layout.
Step 2: Using the Samsung Remote (color coded red) ensure that all room TVs are on.
Step 3: Using the Soundbar Remote (color coded blue) ensure that the soundbar is on. You will see a small white light located in the bottom left corner of the soundbar signifying that the power is on.
Step 4: Perform a Speaker Test. See our article on performing a speaker test.
Step 5: Perform a Microphone Test. See our article on performing a microphone test.
Step 6: Log in to the Zoom Desktop Client. See our article on logging in to the Zoom Desktop Client.
Step 7 (optional): Connect to the Rooms External Monitor. See our article on connecting to the rooms external monitor (Windows) (Mac)
At this point you are now ready to start and manage a course from the Zoom controller.
Remote Support: